Explore a new era of healthcare in Ohio with TIB Pharmacy! Our LTC at Home services in OHIO provide comprehensive support, ensuring you receive the care you need in the comfort of your home. Enjoy peace of mind and focus on what truly matters to you.
Check your eligibility for LTC at Home services
If you are eligible, transfer your prescription
Pharmacy will deliver your medications to your doorstep
Experience convenience with our quick response feature, and ensure prompt processing of your prescriptions. This feature enables patients to expect seamless communication and swift response to inquiries. Count on us to deliver rapid solutions, because your well-being is our top priority.
Explore our one-stop shop for all your healthcare needs! Our comprehensive inventory includes prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and medical supplies. With a well-stocked inventory and robust management system, you can rely on us for consistent availability and convenience.
Ensuring your safety is our priority. Our pharmacists review your medical records to verify the accuracy of your medication orders. Through detailed chart reviews, we double check that you receive the right medications in the right doses, at the right times.
Never worry about running out of medications with our synchronization service.
24/7 access to expert pharmacists for personalized care and advice.
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Welcome to TIB Pharmacy, your trusted partner in personalized healthcare. TIB as a closed door pharmacy provides a variety of pharmacy services for patients, healthcare providers, hospices, and long-term care facilities. We bring quality, convenience, and compassion to every interaction. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are dedicated to transforming lives through personalized care and advanced technology.